The Stair Step/Breakaway MLM Plan is a compensation structure commonly used in MLM companies. It operates on the principle of advancement and leadership within the salesforce. Distributors advance through different ranks or steps in this plan based on their sales volume and team-building efforts. As individuals climb up the “stair steps,” they earn higher commissions and bonuses.
A distributor, however, may “break away” from their upline once they reach a certain rank, becoming independent and starting their own business. By doing so, they are able to profit from the sales of their subordinates and earn more rewards and incentives.
MLM Software is a powerful network marketing software that caters to the needs of MLM businesses implementing the Stair Step MLM plan. We offer robust features such as automated commission calculations, genealogy tree visualisation, and comprehensive reporting tools to help distributors manage and track their progress. Our MLM software solution enables businesses to optimise distributor productivity, accelerate business growth, and simplify operations in the highly competitive MLM sector.
As the team grows, there are usually group volume requirements for achieving the rank. Once the team grows larger, the team will “Break Away” and the member will earn a much smaller commission on the whole group instead of maxing out based on the number of levels deep there are in.
The name “Stairstep” comes from the fact that the distributors will advance their rank to reach a certain point within the company to earn a greater commission rate as per the rank. Then they “break away” from their upline and are no longer part of their upline organization.
Upon breaking away, a distributor becomes entitled to earn even greater commissions. The distributor in the stair step MLM plan can only attract one stage, but the organization modifies it with certain objectives which will enhance the distributor to grow up to higher stages (stair steps).
It also increases the group sale amount. Once the distributor has reached a certain innovative stage, the distributor and his group will break away to a certain level from the immediate sponsor and can generate more. As the income increases based on the team’s growth, the distributor finally breaks away which often causes settling of income until the team grows larger and the small percentage of the group is bigger compared to the level commissions.
The best way to describe Stair Step MLM Plan is with an example:
When beginning out, there is usually a front-end loading. It implies the supplier needs to buy a variety of items to be part of the company. That results in a garage full of items. This has been modified over the years as there is now a cap on initial product investment.
Each stairway phase is regarded as a progression in position within the company.
Promotion to a new position relies on the revenue (the amount that the distributor earns from the company i.e. his individual volume) and the number of customers/distributors in team who buy from the distributor.
As the distributor shifts to the top of the stairways, he is then permitted to break away from the immediate sponsor and run the company individually.
With each step/rank, the distributor in stair step MLM plan is allocated an amount of lower price or refund he generates on his purchase from the company.
For example, the first stage (sales professional level) may generate a 20% discount, the second stage (Distributor), will generate a 25% discount, the third stage (Supervisor) a 30% discount,
The fourth stage (Manager) receives a 35% discount and the fifth stage (National Director) generates a 40% discount. As the distributor moves steps ahead and gets marketing, his company amount or the discount rates gets improved.
Once the member has achieved Distributor, Supervisor, Manager or National Director position, he needs to maintain the current position (or higher position) for 3 consecutive months to earn a “ONCE-OFF TITLE BONUS”. If the member slips down a level and is later promoted in breakaway MLM plan, then again they need to maintain the level for 3 full consecutive months to qualify for the once-off title bonus.
The following steps will provide a clear picture of the commission calculation in stair step breakaway MLM plan:
Sales Executive Level joins the company with a once-off registration fee of $400. They must have a SPONSOR, or their registration will automatically be assigned to Head office. Sales Executive Levels (SEL) need to refer at least 6 new “QUALIFIED” recruits ( SEL should have paid their once-off registration fee). At the start of the following month, the SEL will then be “PROMOTED” to “Distributor” (D).
A Distributor can personally have at least 6 qualified SELs, each of them has paid the registration fee (in the month of joining) or their monthly fee. There is no time limit to qualify as a Distributor, it may take 3 weeks or 3 years. As soon as SEL becomes a Distributor, they are promoted to a higher status. Each time a Distributor generates a “DIRECTLY SPONSORED” distributor within his team, he earns a once-off “PROMOTION” bonus. This “promotion” bonus has no time limit and is paid every time they promote a directly sponsored Distributor.
A Supervisor can personally have at least 8 qualified Sales Executive Levels (SEL), as well as personally sponsored 3 qualified Distributor’s (each of whom has personally sponsored at least 6 qualified SELs). There is no time limit to qualify as a “SUPERVISOR”. Each time a Supervisor generates a “DIRECTLY SPONSORED” Distributor or Supervisor within their team, they earn different once-off “PROMOTION” bonus as per the company norms.
These “promotion” bonuses have no time limit and are paid every time they promote a directly sponsored Distributor or Supervisor.
A Manager can personally have at least 26 qualified Sales Executive Levels (SEL), as well as personally sponsored 4 qualified Distributor’s (each of whom has personally sponsored at least 6 qualified SEL’s), as wellas personally sponsored 3 Supervisors (each of whom has the minimum qualifying Team structure). Each timea Manager produces a “DIRECTLY SPONSORED” Distributor or Supervisor or Manager within their team, they earna different once-off “PROMOTION” bonus as per company norms. These “promotion” bonuses have no time limit and are paid every time they promote a directly sponsored Distributor, Supervisor, or Manager.
A National Director (ND) can personally have at least 36 qualified Sales Executive Levels (SEL),as well as personally sponsored 8 qualified distributors (each of whom have personally sponsored at least 6 qualified SELs), as well as personally sponsored Supervisor’s (each of whom have the minimum qualifying team structure). There is no time limit to get qualified asa National Director (ND).
Each time a National Director (ND) produces a “DIRECTLY SPONSORED” Distributor or Supervisor or Manager or National Director (ND) within their Team, they earn a different once-off “PROMOTION” bonus as per company norms. These “promotion” bonuses have no time limit and is paid every time they promote a directly sponsored Distributor, Supervisor, Manager,or National Director.
Once they have achieved DC status, they immediate lyearn a once-off “TITLE BONUS”. However, if they achieve DC status within 10 months of registrationthey will earn a higher bonus. Also, once they have achieved DC status (or higher), they need to maintain the status for 3 consecutive months to earn aonce-off “TITLE BONUS”. If they slip downa level, and later promoted, they need to maintain the level for 3 consecutive months to qualify for the once-off title bonus.
Participants in the plan can earn higher commissions as they climb up the ranks and reach higher levels in the breakaway MLM plan, often with attractive bonuses and incentives.
The step-by-step organisation of breakaway MLM plan can give participants specific goals and targets to hit, which can inspire and promote active participation.
The stair step MLM plan enables quick expansion as each distributor seeks to assemble and grow their own team, potentially causing the network to grow exponentially.
In a stair step/breakaway MLM plan, participants can develop their businesses at their own pace based on their individual objectives and level of commitment.
The structure of the breakaway MLM compensation plan can create intense competition among participants, as they strive for higher positions and rewards, potentially leading to conflicts and strained relationships.
The success of MLM stair step plan is heavily dependent on the ongoing hiring of new members, which may cause recruitment to take precedence over product quality or customer satisfaction.
The competitive nature and the requirement to meet recruitment goals of the Breakaway MLM plan may cause a high participant turnover rate. It is difficult to build a dependable and long-lasting network for sustained growth because of this constant turnover.
As the network grows, the MLM stair step plan runs the risk of market saturation, where there are too many distributors on the market and it becomes difficult for new participants to find new customers or recruits.
Stair Step MLM plans offer a range of enticing bonuses to motivate distributors. One such bonus is the Fast Start Bonus, which allows you to make money right away by signing up new distributors or customers for the breakaway plan in exchange for a sizable commission on their initial purchases.
This is a crucial component of the MLM Stair Step Compensation Plan. You unlock more bonuses based on the sales output of your downline as you rise in rank and take on leadership roles. Since you receive a cut of your team members’ sales, this offers a powerful incentive to coach and assist them.
They are an essential part of the Stair Step MLM system as you have the option of receiving a one-time bonus when you reach certain plan milestones or ranks. As compensation for your effort and commitment, this gives you an extra financial boost as you advance up the success ladder.
The Matching Bonus is a potent incentive in Stair Step MLM plans to support the success of your personally sponsored team members. As you all strive for higher commissions, you receive a matching bonus based on a portion of their earnings, promoting a culture of cooperation and support.