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Time Logs


The Time Logs panel under the Work Module mainly focuses on recording the time required for the individual task that is recorded in the database which later adds together to calculate the total time logged in for projects individually. This section helps in calculating the average of time taken to complete tasks when reports are generated for analysis.

On the top left corner, there’s a section available for “Log Time” this option allows to log time for new tasks or previously created tasks. 

Logging time requires some basic details such as Project name, Task name, Employee name, Start date and time, End date and time, with a few more additional information. The fed-in information is later seen in a tabular format in the final list.

If one wishes to view the logged time individually then they can click on the name of the task which works as a hyperlink and redirects one to the next page where details are available. The details page holds basic information from Project name, Task name, priority, employee name, category, description, start date and time, end date and time, along with space for adding comments, tasks, files, time logs, notes, and history. 

The individual viewing feature provides enough basic information to look into details and conclude for bter understanding.

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