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Tickets are a source to raise any problem, query, incident-related discussion, or any point by client/customer/employee which needs discussion.

Tickets cover all the details regarding the concerned section in one space. The first section on the page contains information about the kind of tickets tackled by the organization. It comprises the numerical data of the tickets offered. Numerical data is mainly stored for the total tickets, closed tickets, open tickets, pending tickets, and received tickets followed by the tabular data of all the received tickets. It includes the ticket number, ticket subject, requester name, date of request, and other additional details.

The tabular list can be filtered easily using the filter feature or even the tabs present in the upper row indicating different categories.

To add any new received ticket to the pre-formed list, a form “Create Ticket” is to be filled which includes details under each category that is present, it includes:

(1) Requester: A checkbox option to add if the ticket is raised by a client or an employee.

(2) Requester Name: Adds the name of the person by whom the ticket is raised.

(3) Ticket Subject: The purpose of raising the specific ticket is added here in brief.

(4) Description: Detailed information about the issue/concern is added here so that whosoever is allotted the given ticket has a thorough understanding of the concern before being answerable to anyone, this avoids any miscommunication between the two parties involved.

(5) Upload File: It offers the space to add an image, document, etc presented by the ticket raiser in the documentation space for reference depending upon the requirement.

(6) Agent: Records the details for the name of the agent who will be concerned by the specific ticket raised.

(7) Priority: Sets the importance level of the ticket determined by the issues it points at.

(8) Type: Tickets can be of different genres such as complaint, question, problem, incident, etc then this section allows to specify the category each ticket belongs to.

(9) Channel Name: Tickets can be received through different passages such as Facebook, email, calls, texts, etc this section allows to specify the region acceptance of the ticket from.

(10) Tags: Depending on the ticket raised different tags are added in this space.

Once the required details are updated then the data can be saved by clicking on the ‘Save’ button.

Create Ticket Form is used to add newly received tickets to the list which can be created/ edited from the “Ticket Form” option. It allows the addition and removal of fields present in the form, dependent on the organizational requirement. Once the selection and deselection are performed, a preview form is also available to finalize the resultant and move ahead with the decision made.

The tickets section in all works as a crucial space as it comprises a lot of main issues and concerns raised by both the employees and clients and once these are resolved a major improvement may be seen in the firms.

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