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SMTP Notification For SAAS user

If any User get error regarding SMTP after SMTP details are correct.

Your SMTP provider is blocking the email to be sent from company email.  I would suggest using a better SMTP provider like Gmail, mailgun or any-other. After using those email remove the solution in link and email will be send via company email.
Ans: I have already added below line in .env file. Could you please explain again about SMTP related because for Super-Admin email realted its work fine but client’s admin how to setup email config.You have used a SMTP provider which can only send email to verified emails. Your SMTP provider will not send email from other email id. Please change the SMTP provider to mailgun or GMAIL and all issues related to email or SMTP go away. First try i am telling then get back to us, (you will have your answer). After change

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