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Roles & Permissions


Roles and Permissions is that section of settings that control the accessibility of each working individual in the organization. As the vast variety of modules offers a deeper insight into the working of an organization but it is important to also recognize and differentiate what is to be accessed by whom when this section comes into play and controls accessibility for each module for individuals.

This section also gives the freedom to add new and different roles in the team using the Manage Roles option presented on the screen.

One major feature of this section that should be kept in mind is that Admin is allowed to access everything, thus its roles and permissions can’t be altered. So, this option hasn’t been given either.

Type of Permissions

There are 5 types of permissions

  1. ALL – Provides full access to the permission
  2. ADDED – Provides access to the records added by the user
  3. OWNED – Provides access to the records which are either assigned to the user or belong to the user
  4. ADDED & OWNED – This includes both the cases of ADDED & OWNED
  5. NONE – This will not provide any access to the permission.

Here are a few use cases to understand the permission types better.

  1. To allow employees to view projects of which they are members, then you will have to assign OWNED permission type for View Projects permission to employee role.
  2. To allow employees to view tasks that they have created themselves or assigned to then you need to assign ADDED & OWNED permission type for View Tasks permission to employee role.
  3. To allow clients to view projects to which they are assigned as the client then you need to assign OWNED permission type to View Projects permission in the Client role.
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