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The proposal is mainly for Leads. This section holds all the proposed budget along with the project details that were presented by the lead. Once the proposal presented is approved, then it can be converted into a contract and the lead can be changed into a client.

This section records data in a tabular format wherein details of the lead, proposed amount, creation date, validity date, status, editing, deletion, viewing, downloading, sending, and an option to create a public link is available.

The option on the top left corner to create a proposal allows the creation of new proposals. It is done by simply adding a few basic details including Lead name, validity date, currency, tax calculation, product details, signature requirements, billing details, and a special note for the recipient.

Once the created proposal is saved in the system, it can be viewed easily. On viewing of individual proposals, all the mandatory details that must be accessible in brief are seen on the screen. This viewable document also has an option to be downloaded as a pdf file depending on the user’s convenience.

Proposals are negotiable documents that can be put up for discussion between leads and the organization before finalizing the details and prices. It allows space for both parties to place their points and come to a conclusion within a common ground.

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