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This step-by-step guide provides clear instructions on how to add a product. By following these steps, users can easily navigate through the process of adding a new product, entering relevant details such as selling price and cost price, and tracking inventory. The guide also includes additional features such as adding images and viewing the product’s history.

1.Navigate to PMS > Purchase Module > Products

Click “Products”

Click “Add Product”

There are two types of products, (i) Goods and (ii) Service. You can choose according to your requirements.

Enter product name and fill other fields accordingly.

Click the “Selling Price*” field and enter the selling price of the product.

“Selling Price is the price at which item is sold”.

Click the “Cost Price*” field and enter the cost price.

Cost Price is the original price of an item.

Click the “Track Inventory for this Item” field.

Once you check this box, the product’s details will be store in inventory and you can track it later.

Click the “Opening Stock” field and enter the number of items that are currently in stock.

Click here and add images of the product for better understanding.

From here you can select default image that can be shown on the main page.

Click “Save”

Now you can view, edit,duplicate and delete your created product from actions.

Click here.

Click “View”

Click “Images”. From here you can add more images.

Click “History” for track history of that product.

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