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Paystack Integration

1. Understand Paystack terminology ( Plans, Subscriptions, and Customers)

It’s important for you to understand Paystack terminology, especially since it can be a bit misleading if you’re new to Paystack. For instance, it might be tempting to jump right into Paystack Subscription object, but you should really start with Paystack Product object.First login into Paystack using the url.

2. Create a Plan

You can create a plan using the Paystack Dashboard. Because we only need to create 1 Paystack Plan, it makes more sense to use the Paystack Dashboard. To create plan click on Plans in menu and add details.

Once you created a plan click on the plan and copy the plan code.



 3. Migrate with application


Login using superadmin login details and open packages.Here you can create a new package or you can use any existing package. If you have already created a package then edit the package and insert the copied Plan Code into paystack (monthly or yearly) plan id. Here you need to remember  that if you created a monthly plan then you need to put on Paystack monthly plan id field or if that is yearly then put into Paystack yearly plan id.

Copy Public key and Secret key from Paystack settings

Login into Application using superadmin login details and open Settings > Payment Credentials > Online Payment and paste the copied secret and public key into Paystack Key and  Paystack Secret and Marchent ID.

Copy Webhook Url and Callback  from Application and put that in Paystack Settings > API Keys & Webhooks

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