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Interview Schedule

Interview Schedule

The primary purpose of an interview is to transfer information from interviewee to interviewer where questions are asked and answered, for obtaining information about qualities, attitudes, prospectus, etc. Recruiters can obtain additional information about the candidates which are not mentioned in the application forms or resumes


Through interviews, recruiters can verify the information obtained through application forms and tests. Interviews provide an applicant with the information and the necessary facts about the job and the organization.

You can add an Interview of the applicant from here. You need to fill in details like the Interview date and time and the Interviewer who is gonna take the interview. You can set any mode of interview like phone, video, or in person.

After scheduling the interview it will appear in the calendar view and list view. If you are the interviewer for that interview you have the access to accept or reject the Interview.

This is the calendar view where you can filter them by months, days, and weeks.

And the list view is here for the Interview schedule. There is a feature to Re-schedule the Interview for future dates.

After the interview is completed, the interviewer can give evaluations, add files, and can see the history of the interview schedule.

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