Creating Client
Creating a Client is necessary to add the new people who have joined as customers with the organization.Â
A client can be created by clicking on the “Add Client” option on the top left corner of the Clients module. Clicking on it will take you to a pre-generated form, once the details are added to it a new client is created.Â
The form asks for the following details:
1. SALUTATION: It allows to select the addressing salutation for individuals from Mr./ Mrs./ Ms.
2. CLIENT NAME: It takes the input of the name of the newly created member.
3. EMAIL: It requires email details for all sorts of communication.
4. PASSWORD: This allows individuals to access their accounts.
5. COUNTRY: This section tells where the individual belongs.
6. MOBILE: It requires an individual’s mobile number for communication.
7. CAN THE USER LOG IN TO THE APP?: Selecting Yes or No to this question allows the user to access the information in the application.
8. CAN THE USER RECEIVE EMAIL NOTIFICATIONS?: Selecting Yes or No to this question will decide whether the user will receive the notifications on their email or not.
9. CLIENT CATEGORY: The client category permits you to classify a specific client into the generally accepted genres by the company which is used for filtering the recorded list later while viewing.
10. CLIENT SUB-CATEGORY: The client sub-category allows further subdivision of the genre defined for the client so that proper segregation is done whenever required.
11. COMPANY NAME: For instance, when the client belongs to an organization or a company these details are required. So, this section records the data of the organization the work is being done for.
12. OFFICIAL WEBSITE: Records the link for the official website of the organization in case a brief overview is ever needed.
13. GST NUMBER: GST Number is required for any sort of payment procedure. Thus, to avoid future inconvenience, this detail is recorded beforehand.
14. OFFICE PHONE NUMBER: Phone numbers collected in the database for communication purposes.
15. CITY: It records the location (city) where the organization is based.
16. STATE: It records the location (state) where the organization is based.
17. POSTAL CODE: It records the detailed location by recording the postal code for the organization.
18. COMPANY ADDRESS: This is to collect the complete address for the company for any future reasons where it might be of some use to the recording organization.
19. SHIPPING ADDRESS: This collects the address so that any kind of delivery for documents or products can be done.