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Attendance Setting


Attendance is an essential feature in any working system, it marks the attendance and compiles the data for records.

This section allows customisation of certain features like office timings, several clock-ins, late mark time limit, working days, and clock in/clock out details. 

The Office Timings i.e. the start time, end time, and half-day leave mark are mentioned herein. This section also includes the extra time slot that is kept for late marking and the maximum number of clock-ins that are allowed in a day.

The Working Days specify the active days of the week that an employee is supposed to work on. Thus, the clock in/out feature works on the specified days and considers the rest as holidays. This makes the attendance count only from the specified number of days as working.

The Clock In/Clock Out methods can be specified as to whether they should be location restricted, IP restricted, or both. It also allows if it should be self Clock In/Clock Out or not.

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