Apple Push Notification Setup
1. Create Key
– Go to apple developer account
– Select Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles
– Click on keys (From left menu)
– Click the add button (+)
– Enter key name, check apple push notification service (APNs) and continue.
– Click on Register.
–Â Download. Save your key in a secure place. This is a one-time download, and the key cannot be retrieved later.
How to configure IOS push notification in Firebase
– Go to firebase console if you did not create project yet then check documentation to create project
– Open project
– Create IOS app for push notification
Register app
Fill details
What’s a IOS Bundle ID, and where do you find it?
-> Â AÂ IOS Bundle IDÂ uniquely identifies your app on the device and in the Apple Store.
-> AÂ IOS Bundle IDÂ is often referred to as an application ID.
-> Find your app’s IOS Bundle ID name (like “com.companyName.serviceName”)
-> Be aware that the IOS Bundle ID value is case-sensitive, and it cannot be changed for this Firebase      IOS app after it’s registered with your Firebase project.
**Make sure to enter the IOS Bundle ID that your app is actually using. The IOS Bundle ID value is case-sensitive, and it cannot be changed for this Firebase IOS app after it’s registered with your Firebase project.
Download the GoogleService-Info.plist file. then click next
Click next.
Click next.
Click continue to console.
– Go to the Firebase console.
– Select the project
– Click on app created in previous step
– Click on setting icon
– Click on cloud messaging tab
– scroll down and find IOS app configuration.
click on upload button under APNs Authentication Key
it will shows window like
– APNs auth key upload the key file that you download from apple account before
Key ID
Go to keys page in apple account select the key that you created
here is the Key ID copy that and paste it in Key ID in firebase
team id is not required you can leave it blank.
– Click upload.
Connect PMS with firebase push notification Ignore if you already did it in android
– Copy the server key
– Go to the PMS/ PMS-saas setting -> rest api setting page
– Enter the key and save that setting.
Now rest api is connected with firebase push notification to send push notification
Connect IOS application code with firebase to receive push notification to IOS device.
Go to the IOS app code directory
Go to cordova directory
Copy the GoogleService.plist file that you download from firebase when you create IOS app in firebase
and paste it to cordova directory
Now IOS app user ready to receive push notification
Now you need to build the application ipa.
* if still, you are not able to receive a push notification on a mobile device then follow these stepsÂ