Binary Plan
Matrix Plan
Unilevel Plan
Board Plan MLM
Party Plan mlm
Australian Binary Plan
Monoline mlm Plan
Stair step Plan
Generation mlm Plan
hybrid mlm Plan
Matrix MLM Software is a leading matrix MLM software development company that offers a comprehensive all-in-one solution to manage all aspects of your Matrix plan MLM network, making it the best MLM software available. Matrix Plan Software is designed by exceptional MLM software developers, offering automated features such as lead generation, distributor management, client acquisition, inventory, and training.
How does Matric MLM Software Works?
The Matrix MLM plan is a compensation scheme that has a predetermined genealogy structure from its birth. Unlike other compensation plans, MLM matrix plan has precise clarity on both the width and depth of the genealogy structure it would adapt. This plan is also Forced Matrix MLM Plan and is represented by the formula Width * Depth. Matrix software manages the structure of the Matrix MLM plan, providing a clear view of the network and helping to manage the downline effectively.
MLM Matrix Plan limits its width more compared to its depth and motivates to hire more members in the downline. It has a pyramid structure arranged into a fixed number of width(row) and depth(column) that restricts the number of distributors you can sponsor on your first level.
Sponsor bonus
The introducer bonus or sponsor bonus is the compensation that sponsors or distributors get by recruiting new members to the matrix plan MLM network. This bonus will accrue immediately after the recruitment of the new member gets done.
Matrix MLM Software
Sponsor Bonus
Level Commissions
The introducer bonus or sponsor bonus is the compensation that sponsors or distributors get by recruiting new members to the matrix plan MLM network. This bonus will accrue immediately after the recruitment of the new member gets done.
Level commissions refer to the rewards gained by upline members in a matrix MLM plan when a recruit is placed on their downline. The upline levels up to which this commission can be earned differ based on the exact compensation scheme and exact MLM compensation plan followed by the company
The bonuses in the Matrix MLM Plan are generally structured as follows.
MLM software is developed to fulfill the needs of every user. We create software with the best features and customizations that can enable the flawless execution of every MLM compensation plan.
We develop trustworthy MLM Software using the latest technologies!
Matrix MLM software is a scalable MLM Software Solution with all of the robust features you’ll need to take your company to the next level. In today’s economy, it is unavoidable for any organization to modernize its tools to stay competitive. Our Matrix MLM Software makes managing your matrix plan MLM network and doing all MLM-related tasks easy.
Our Matrix MLM Software can Help in You many Ways
Effective Lead Generation
Get insights about your prospective customers in Matrix MLM Plan and nurture your customers marketing funnel with effective lead generating tools.
Advance E-commerce Solution
Provide premium E-Commerce store facilities in your Matrix MLM Software with our integrated, customizable online shopping carts.
Seamless Distributor
Easily manage the onboarding process of new distributors at different business levels with automatic features.
Secure Payments
Manage your Matrix Plan MLM activities with our user friendly website that is well equipped to handle your day-to-day tasks.
Feel secure about your money transactions with E-Pin, safe payment gateways, and E-wallet in our Matrix MLM software.
Capture leads and use tools to generate analytics and reports to better understand customer behavior and market trends.
Analytics & Reports
Support Systems
Team Building
Ensure proper support with a system that can manage multiple queries and provide priority-based support.
Build collaborative teams and ensure transparency and strength through group activities by efficient interactive tools.
Train the distributors right by providing consistent training through effective workshops, and support using LMS.
The bonuses in the Matrix MLM Plan are generally structured as follows.
Enable/Disable the different payment methods like PayPal, E-Pin, E-wallet, Bank Transfer, Cryptocurrencies, and many more in our Matrix MLM software. Configure the payment gateway by providing an API username/password, API key, and other settings required.
Multiple Payment
General settings can be used to set the registration amount, service charge percentage, purchase wallet commission percentage, TDS% for a tax deduction, etc. You can set the time for automatic log out, enable 2FA, and settings to skip bonuses for blocked users.
Configure the different types of compensations like sponsor commission, level commission, matching bonus, performance bonus, and much more by enabling the required MLM compensation plan. Set the calculation period, calculation criteria, pair type, ceiling period, etc for each commission.
General settings
Configure Compensations
Set the max/min payout amount, whether it is a flat or a certain percentage as a payout fee. Payment methods like manual payout by admin, or payout by user request are supported in our matrix MLM Software. You can also enable mails regarding the payout status.
Payout Flexibility
Ticket System / Support System
Multi-Currency Support
Enable/Disable any currency to be allowed in the system and set any currency as default. You can configure the currency title, currency value, and currency code for any specific currency. Globalize your Matrix MLM Software by supporting multiple currencies.
It supports clients to view all the tickets raised from the customer end and provides the resolution for all the open tickets via the support center. Our ticket system ensures that everyone gets their issues addressed in the right order.
Matrix Tree Settings
E-Pin Settings
Set the total number of E-Pin allowed in the Matrix MLM Software and the E-Pin amount to be added to the system. You can also set the E-Pin character like numeral, alphabet, or alphanumeric.
Set the tree icon based on the profile, member status, membership package, or rank and enable tooltips like first name, date of joining, right, left, left carry, right carry, GV, PV, rank status, and much more required for the setting of a matrix MLM plan.
Our Matrix MLM Software can Help in You many Ways
Our Matrix MLM Software can Help in You many Ways
Our Matrix MLM Software can Help in You many Ways
Customized Back Office Features
Our Matrix MLM Software can Help in You many Ways